Mobile Connect SDK 16.1 Release Notes

Mobile Connect SDK 16.1 Release Notes

Version 16.1 of the Mobile Connect SDK adds FIDO UAF v1.1 certified authenticators (What is FIDO?). This is an invisible change to SDK implementers and users.

It also references an updated Salto SDK, with minor changes to the MobileAccess API Salto methods.

There are also small bugfixes and improved support for Android 13 permissions.

Breaking changes

The COARSE and FINE location permissions should be updated as below. This is to remove duplicates in the manifest due to the Salto SDK declaring the same permissions.

  <!-- Required for Android 6.0 to 10 when using Bluetooth LE -->
      <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"
          tools:node="replace" />
  <!-- Required for Android 10 to 12 when using Bluetooth LE -->
  <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"
      tools:node="replace" />


API Changes between iOS SDK 15.5.026 and 16.1.45


API Changes between Android SDK 15.5.061 and 16.1.71
